Biggest Loser 2011 Week 8

OK this is my second post on NBC’s show The Biggest Loser. But I’m a quick study so I think I’m pretty much up to speed.

The big deal this week is that two, not one person, will be eliminated from the show! Here’s the deal. One person would be eliminated the regular way. The team that lost the weigh in would have to vote someone off. But a second person would also be eliminated from the show. That would be the person who lost the least amount of weight. The Biggest Loser people called this “falling below the red line”.

No were talking! This is the show I’ve been waiting for. It make so much sense to me that the person who performs the worst should be eliminated. But there were two things that resulted from this, one annoyed me and the other really kind of pissed me off!

The first thing that annoyed me (and it might have annoyed you too), was the “red line”. It seems obvious that no one wanted to get voted off, so the trainers used “the red line” for motivation throughout the week. The end result was that for about 45 minutes the trainers on the show seemed incapable of saying any thing other than, “there’s a red line this week” or “don’t fall below the red line” or “are you going to fall below the red line?” and the succinct “red line”.  Anyway they all said “red line” more times in 45 minutes that you would think would be humanly possible. It was distracting and annoying.

Now for what pissed me off!

Disclaimer: I don’t have children.

Clearly the “red line” was intended to motivate the contestants to put forth their best effort that week to avoid elimination. And that is exactly what I thought was going to happen. But it didn’t. If you remember from my post last week, this season is The Biggest Loser, couples. Most of the couple are parent/children. It turns out that three of the parents sabotaged their own success to ensure that their child would remain on the show.

It was emotional and somewhat inspiring to see parents sacrifice for their children, I’m sure it is instinctive behavior for all parents. (Remember my disclaimer), But it totally pissed me off!

There are several reasons why.

In this episode, not putting forth your best effort was rewarded, and that should never be the case.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you are not going to be capable of caring for others. Sure, in the short run you’ll be able to care for your kids, but once your health fails you, you’ll no longer be able to care for anyone.

The reason that the children(on this show they are all adult children) in the show are overweight, is because they followed the example of their parents. The parents need to change their behavior, lose weight, and improve their health every bit as much as their children.

Nothing will have a more positive effect on others than leading by example. Putting forth less than your best effort is a horrible example!

The good news is that two of the three parents that sabotaged their results are off the show, as they deserve to be.

Now for the quotes of the week (actually paraphrases, I tweaked them a little so they make sense and are a little more motivational).

“You can do whatever you want to do, the key is you have to want to do it”

“You’ve got control of right now”

“Get out of your own way and accept that you can do it”

“You health is worth fighting for”

“Regardless of what’s in front of you, give everything you’ve got”

“You are not in this battle alone”

“I want to be happy”

Even though I was a little disappointed on some aspects of the show, it does provide for some great quotes. The next episode the contestants go home and are back in the real world again. I’m really looking forward to next weeks episode, because the “real world” is where you live. We’ll see how they do.

See you next week.

Biggest Loser Week 7

During the first season of Biggest Loser I tuned in. As a fitness professional I was intrigued with the premise of the show. I only watched three episodes and haven’t watched it since. The reason for this is that during the first season the contestants would vote off the strongest contestant (i.e. the person losing the most weight), so that they would have a better chance to win. I didn’t see the point of punishing the most successful people for their efforts. It was Survivor for the Obese.

Obesity isn’t a game. It’s sort of life and death. In that it ruins lives and death comes about prematurely.

Now I’ve known for some time that The Biggest Loser’s producers have resolved this issue, so that the person losing the most weight gains immunity from elimination. But I still haven’t watched it since.

That is until this week. It’s week seven of the current season and I’m a little out of the loop. But from what I can tell it is Biggest Loser couples (most of the couples being parent/child). There are two teams, red and black. And it seems like there was some type of team shake up last week. It seems as though a father-daughter team switched from the black team to the red and entered some type of “team pact” that would automatically eliminate them if the red team lost the weight in…

And it also seems like the black team had a fatherson team, where the son(Arther) was responsible for the shake up.

Here’s a quick synopsis. The black team didn’t like the shake up but quickly(by the end of the show) accepted Arther on the team. The father/daughter team seemed to accept their fate that they would be eliminated and the father said it would be him over his daughter (what father wouldn’t). As any one could have predicted the red team lost. Ironically at the hands of Arther who lost 20pounds in one week after under performing for the previous few weeks. And the father was eliminated.

OK enough with the reality show drama. what I’m interested in is the process of weight loss, because it is difficult for so many people. I believe everyone would lose weight on The Biggest Loser. When you are pulled from reality and all you have to worry about is your workout and eating right (in a very controlled environment), you will lose weight. Plus the contestants have access to personal trainers all day long, everyday.

My concern is that the show might send the wrong message. On average the red team lost 7.8 pounds during the week, and the black team lost an average of 7.2 pounds during the week. Some of the contestants have lost 90-100+ pounds in just seven weeks. That amount of weight loss should not be considered normal. Everybody is looking for fast, easy weight loss. And The Biggest Loser delivers!

I think the show is setting people up with unrealistic expectations, mostly because the contestants aren’t in a realistic situation.

That being said the general approach that they take to lose weight is the answer to safe effective and permanent weight loss: Proper Nutrition and Exercise.

But I did learn one important thing during the show and that is…Weight loss is emotional, because the weight gain was also emotional!

OK! Now for my favorite quotes of this episode

“Anything is possible”

“No person is an island, you need help from others to be successful”

“I want to be proud of myself”

“I stopped taking accountability of who I was, I have to compete against myself”

“I won’t gain the weight back”

“Let yourself change”

And the Top Quote of the Week!

“We got something back, that we didn’t know we lost”

I think I’ll keep watching and I’ll be back again…next week!

What I Eat

I had a very brief, yet interesting conversation yesterday with a lady who used to be in my boot camp.

I walked in the gym and she asked me “John, do you ever eat at home?” At first I thought that she was referring to the fact that I bring my own food with me everyday. But I quickly realized that she thinks that I eat every meal at restaurants. She came to this conclusion because I’ve adopted a new habit of posting my “check ins” on facebook.

Here is my concern. This lady knows me very well. She’s been in my boot camp program. She’s come to my nutrition seminars. She even followed the nutrition principles that I recommend during an 8-week weight loss contest. Facebook is very powerful. Here’s why…

The truth is that I eat at restaurants 2-3 times each week. The rest of the time I buy, prepare and eat my own food. I eat 6-7 meals a day.  That means that I eat 4-7% of my meals at restaurants each week. But because I post what restaurants I like, the perceived reality is that I eat all of my meals out. If I did I’d be fat. But I am not fat because  93-96% of the time I eat whole, natural, self-prepared (often organic) food. 

If you don’t want to be fat, you should do the same.

Here is exactly what I had to eat yesterday

Meal 1

  • Oatmeal (plain)
  • Homemade chicken breast breakfast sausage

Meal 2

  • Ground Turkey (onion, red pepper, spinach, cumin, chili and chipotle powder)
  • Brown Rice
  • Asparagus

Meal 3

  • Red Snapper
  • Brown Rice/Curry Lentils
  • Squash

Meal 4 (Snack)

  • Orange
  • Raspberries

Meal 5

  • Grilled Chicken
  • Yams
  • Broccoli

Meal 6

  • Salad with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • Mixed Greens
  • Olives
  • Avocado
  • Kidney & Garbanzo Beans
  • Grilled Chicken

Now I could annoy the crap out of you and post everything I eat as I eat it on Facebook. But this isn’t about me.  I’m here to help you with your exercise and nutrition program, and what works for me may not be the best plan for you.

To learn more about the nutrition program that I recommend (because it is flexible, adaptable and is in line with my philosophy), click this link.

P.S. You are allowed cheat days on this plan, so you can go to any restaurant to like and eat your favorite food!

P.S.S And it Fricken Works!!!!!

Here’s the link again

Jack LaLanne, My Fitness Career and Sushi!

I can’t let today pass without acknowledging the passing of a true legend. Jack LaLanne, you will be missed!

Jack LaLanne was truly a pioneer in fitness. In many ways he created the fitness industry. And because of that I was able to pursue a career in fitness. I wake up happy everyday, because I know I get to spend my day doing something I’m passionate about. I am LUCKY!
18 years ago, during a weekend get away in Morro Bay California, I decided to have some sushi for dinner. Just a few minutes after I sat down for dinner at the bar, Jack LaLanne walked in. At first I didn’t recognize him, but the friend I was with did. I knew who he was, and I thought it was cool that here was there.

But it gets better, he sits at the bar next to me, turns to me and says, “I’m Jack LaLanne, and this is my wife Elaine.”

I introduce myself, “My name is John.” then without pause I turn to his wife and say, “That means your name is Elaine LaLanne.” She says, “That’s right, I’ve heard that a million times.”

He reached out his hand to shake mine, grips it so hard that he damn near breaks it.

For the next 90 minutes we eat and talk about fitness, nutrition, exercise and business. It was an evening I’ll never forget. Here’s why….

At the time I had just made the decision to leave the film industry to pursue a career in fitness. I was still working on movies to save money to pay for college. And I got spend an evening with a 78 year old fitness pioneer; he had so much positive energy, passion, and enthusiasm for life (plus a shit load of grip strength). I knew right then that I was making the right choice to pursue my passion!

Everything that I ever do for the rest of my life, will be influenced and inspired by that evening, and the life of Jack LaLanne. Thank you Jack!

Elaine, my thoughts are with you…
John Preston

Healthy Holidays And Merry Fitness


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From Fitness Know How Headquarters!


It’s holiday time again. I wish you all good health and happiness during the holiday and upcoming New Year. But I don’t wish the typical weight gain that occurs this time of year on anyone. The typical American will gain weight. There are a lot of numbers out there suggesting just how much weight you will gain, let’s just say it’s a safe bet to assume you will gain five to fifteen pounds this holiday season. You already have plans to lose weight and can’t afford another fifteen pounds. You can’t afford another pound! Here are some tips to help you get through this wonderful yet difficult time of the year.

First, if you are currently working out don’t stop. If you don’t work out, start. I know this is a busy time of the year and you are being pulled in a lot of different directions, but if you simply maintain your weight throughout the holidays you are up to fifteen pounds ahead of the typical American come January 1st. The other advantage of beginning to workout now is that the gym will be empty. This will help you get acquainted with the equipment and time to develop a workout plan before the crowds hit in January. Another important reason to workout now is the challenge of all the excess goodies (and the calories that come with them) during the holidays can be offset by expending energy in the gym.

Second, start new traditions. Don’t exchange gifts with everyone like cookies, candies, cheese balls, nut rolls, and dare I say, fruit cake. Instead buy or make an ornament with items from a vacation you took during the year or some other personalized gift that they can keep forever. It is far more pleasant to reminisce about the creative gifts that everyone has exchanged over the years, than how difficult it is to walk a flight of stairs because you have all contributed to each others obesity.

Third, control yourself at holiday parties. This one is a little more difficult, but here’s what you do. When you get invited to a holiday party; remember the host is inviting you because they like you, not because they need you to come over and eat their food. Don’t show up to the party starving. Eat before you go. Not a lot, just a snack, enough so when you get there you don’t consume 3000 calories of hors d’oeuvres before you take off your jacket. You don’t want to eat so much food that you show up and don’t eat a single thing either. A good rule of thumb is to consider how much you typically eat for a meal and eat half of that, one to two hours before the party. If the host is offended because you did not make a pig of yourself at the party, consider looking for other friends to socialize with over the holiday season. Go very light on the hors d’oeuvres. Don’t feel obligated to try everything, instead enjoy the food you know you enjoy. Eat only a taste of your favorites, especially the high fat calorically dense items.

The holidays are a time to spend with friends and family, a time to get together with those we love. Remember why the holidays are important to you and celebrate as such. But if you don’t want the holidays to be about you getting fatter, follow these simple suggestions and enjoy.

This Might Be Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Ok I recently took a trip to Zion National Park (don’t worry, I’ll post the pics in another blog). Anyway Saturday night after arriving and having dinner, we decided to stop by the Sports Bar next to the hotel to find out what happened that day in College football. That was the weekend that Missouri beat Oklahoma, so it was kind of a big day. But that’s not the point.

While I was sitting at the bar watching the games and highlights from the day, a lady from the restaurant next door stopped by to socialize and sell jewelry to the people at the bar. Again not the point. Actually there are two points. One she was really, really fat! Morbidly obese for sure. Now I’m not judging, since I feel that I’m uniquely equipped to help all fat people to lose weight. But here is point two.

While I was watching the games, she got up went behind the bar and poured herself a cup of coffee. She refilled one of those Starbuck’s, largo, grande, super huge (whatever they are called) cups. Again, no big deal.

But then she reached across the bar and grabbed five of those little restaurant half & half containers. And she slowly ripped the top off and poured each one into her coffee. The weird thing is (and I’m staring at her now, there might as well not have been any TV’s on ’cause I can’t stop watching her), a strange calm came over her as she poured each container of half & half into her coffee. It was completely ritualistic, she grabbed each creamer, took the top off of each one, and poured it exactly the same way. It seemed to be happened almost subconsciously. But there’s more…

After she put the five containers of half & half into her coffee she reached across the bar to grab three more. She put eight containers of half & half in her coffee! Now her process caught my attention after she poured the coffee, so I don’t know if she also added sugar. But do you really believe that anyone who adds 8 containers of half & half to their coffee doesn’t also add sweetener?

Here’s my point. This lady’s behavior was so habitual that I’m certain she isn’t even aware of what she is putting in her body. If you were to ask her to write down everything she ate in a day, she’d include the food but not the coffee.

I was so intrigued by watching this behavior that I grabbed a container of half & half before I left the restaurant. I had to know how many calories she added to her coffee. Turns out that each container is 3/8oz. So eight containers is 3oz. of half & half. That is 118 calories. I know that doesn’t sound like much but get this. It was 10pm. Do you really think that was her first cup of coffee that day? Don’t you think that anyone who drinks 20oz. of coffee and 3oz. of half & half at 10pm also starts their day off the same way?

So let’s say she does this twice each day, that’s 236 calories. If she had an additional cup mid-day (just to get through her day), that would be 354 calories. Remember she works in a restaurant so she has access to coffee and those little containers of half & half all the time. Ok I know I’m making some assumptions now, but I’ll make some more to give her the benefit of the doubt…

Let’s assume she exercises daily and each day she consumed perfectly balanced meals with the perfect amount of calories and nutrients to fuel her body. Even if that is true if she has two cups of coffee with half & half each day, she’d gain 24.5 pounds in a year. If she had three cups of coffee each day, she’d gain 36.8 pounds in a year (remember I’m not including any sweetener in these figures). So even if she was living an ideal healthy lifestyle she’d still end up morbidly obese after a couple/several years of adding half & half to her coffee.

Now I know that you’re sitting there reading this saying to yourself, “but I don’t drink coffee” or “I drink my coffee black”. That’s not the point. The point is this lady is completely unaware of the impact that one simple, somewhat subconscious behavior, is having on her health.

What’s important is for you to look at your day and determine if there are any habits that you engage in on a regular bases that result in as little as 236 – 354 empty calories entering your body.

Right now, sitting there the answer is probably no (remember this is habitual and relatively sub-conscious behavior). But pay attention to everything you put into your mouth and see if you can determine the little things that are making losing weight so difficult for you.

Remember it’s the little things that can make a huge difference.

This Might Be Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Ok I recently took a trip to Zion National Park (don’t worry, I’ll post the pics in another blog). Anyway Saturday night after arriving and having dinner, we decided to stop by the Sports Bar next to the hotel to find out what happened that day in College football. That was the weekend that Missouri beat Oklahoma, so it was kind of a big day. But that’s not the point.

While I was sitting at the bar watching the games and highlights from the day, a lady from the restaurant next door stopped by to socialize and sell jewelry to the people at the bar. Again not the point. Actually there are two points. One she was really, really fat! Morbidly obese for sure. Now I’m not judging, since I feel that I’m uniquely equipped to help all fat people to lose weight. But here is point two.

While I was watching the games, she got up went behind the bar and poured herself a cup of coffee. She refilled one of those Starbuck’s, largo, grande, super huge (whatever they are called) cups. Again, no big deal.

But then she reached across the bar and grabbed five of those little restaurant half & half containers. And she slowly ripped the top off and poured each one into her coffee. The weird thing is (and I’m staring at her now, there might as well not have been any TV’s on ’cause I can’t stop watching her), a strange calm came over her as she poured each container of half & half into her coffee. It was completely ritualistic, she grabbed each creamer, took the top off of each one, and poured it exactly the same way. It seemed to be happened almost subconsciously. But there’s more…

After she put the five containers of half & half into her coffee she reached across the bar to grab three more. She put eight containers of half & half in her coffee! Now her process caught my attention after she poured the coffee, so I don’t know if she also added sugar. But do you really believe that anyone who adds 8 containers of half & half to their coffee doesn’t also add sweetener?

Here’s my point. This lady’s behavior was so habitual that I’m certain she isn’t even aware of what she is putting in her body. If you were to ask her to write down everything she ate in a day, she’d include the food but not the coffee.

I was so intrigued by watching this behavior that I grabbed a container of half & half before I left the restaurant. I had to know how many calories she added to her coffee. Turns out that each container is 3/8oz. So eight containers is 3oz. of half & half. That is 118 calories. I know that doesn’t sound like much but get this. It was 10pm. Do you really think that was her first cup of coffee that day? Don’t you think that anyone who drinks 20oz. of coffee and 3oz. of half & half at 10pm also starts their day off the same way?

So let’s say she does this twice each day, that’s 236 calories. If she had an additional cup mid-day (just to get through her day), that would be 354 calories. Remember she works in a restaurant so she has access to coffee and those little containers of half & half all the time. Ok I know I’m making some assumptions now, but I’ll make some more to give her the benefit of the doubt…

Let’s assume she exercises daily and each day she consumed perfectly balanced meals with the perfect amount of calories and nutrients to fuel her body. Even if that is true if she has two cups of coffee with half & half each day, she’d gain 24.5 pounds in a year. If she had three cups of coffee each day, she’d gain 36.8 pounds in a year (remember I’m not including any sweetener in these figures). So even if she was living an ideal healthy lifestyle she’d still end up morbidly obese after a couple/several years of adding half & half to her coffee.

Now I know that you’re sitting there reading this saying to yourself, “but I don’t drink coffee” or “I drink my coffee black”. That’s not the point. The point is this lady is completely unaware of the impact that one simple, somewhat subconscious behavior, is having on her health.

What’s important is for you to look at your day and determine if there are any habits that you engage in on a regular bases that result in as little as 236 – 354 empty calories entering your body.

Right now, sitting there the answer is probably no (remember this is habitual and relatively sub-conscious behavior). But pay attention to everything you put into your mouth and see if you can determine the little things that are making losing weight so difficult for you.

Remember it’s the little things that can make a huge difference.

Fitness Tip #31 of #31 Do Something New

Wow this is the final tip of the month! Funny how time flies when you’re getting healthy.

I’ve shared a lot of really important information with you this month. I’m confident that you’re probably already beginning to notice the positive effects of making these  changes in your life. You can expect to see real, continued improvements in your health during the upcoming weeks and months.

The reason for making the decision to lead a healthy life is simple. If you are healthy, you feel good. When you are healthy and feel good you can choose to engage in activities that unhealthy people cannot. Now that you’ve taken the first steps to living a healthy life I want you to do something that you’ve never done before. This can be a very simple new activity.

When you participate in a new activity you’ll be challenged in ways that you’ve never experienced before. And all of these challenges and experiences will only impact you in a positive way. Each activity has unique skill set and movement patterns. The more you challenge yourself physically to learn new movement patterns the more efficient and balanced you’ll become physically. By introducing new movement patterns into your life you’ll not only challenge your body but also your mind. And like a good friend of mine always says, “The body follows the mind.”

So get out there and take advantage of your newly rediscovered health and learn and do something new. But make sure it’s something you’re interested in, here are some great examples:

1. Yoga
2. Pilates
3. Kick Boxing
4. Learn any Martial Art
5. Join a swim club
6. Join a rowing club
7. Tennis
8. Golf
9. Hiking Club
10. Dance Lessons (Swing, Ballroom, Belly, Two-Step)
11. You get the idea

Take Massive Action and sign up for something today…do it, right now!

OK now you’re equipped with a ton of information that will help you to live a much healthier life for the rest of your life. Enjoy!

And if you’ve found this information to be interesting, helpful, and useful, please share it with your friends.

And remember to visit regularly. I’ll be updating the site with new health, fitness and exercise information frequently.

Thanks for trusting me with your health

In Good Health,

John Preston.

Fitness Tip #21 of #31 Set A Stretch Goal

Congratulation we are completing week three of “31 Days To A Much Improved You”. If you remember the very first day I asked you to set some goals for this 31 day program. I would like for you to revisit those goals one last time and really commit to them for the next 10 days. And last week I asked you to set some goals for beyond this month. Delve a little deeper into those and really start to break down all the smaller, achievable steps along your path to success.

Now it’s time to sit down and really decide what it is you want to do or accomplish during your life now that you are equipped with all this new found knowledge (don’t worry I’m still going to drop 10 more days of info on you). This is a “bucket list” of sorts, with the difference being that these stretch goals will be about living, not dying!

I really don’t want to put any ideas in your head or limitations, but if you want it go for it.

Here are some general ideas to help you get started:

1. Career changes
2. Major trips
3. Finish college, grad school, another degree, take a class
4. Physical challenges (marathons, that English Channel thing I mentioned day 1, Kilmanjaro, etc)
5. Use your imagination

Here are a couple of mine
1. I want to raft the Colorado River through Grand Canyon
2. I want to change the fitness industry forever

I started that process by starting this website and you can help me. Please post your Strecth Goals below in the comments. I’d like to know how I’m impacting the world by helping you…..

Fitness Tip #14 of #31 Set Goals For Beyond The 31 Days

Ok We’re nearing the half way mark of “31 Days to a Much Improved You”. If you remember on day one I asked you to list some individual goals for the month. How are you doing with your goals? Are you stuggling? Have you given up? Are you on track? Or are you somewhere in between?

Today I’d like for you to revisit those goals and assess how you’re doing. Based on your assessment do you just need to keep rocking it this month? Do you need to change or modify your initial intentions? Or do you need to do a little soul searching and start all over?

Whatever the case is sit down and take some time to evaluate how you’ve been doing and what you still want to accomplish in the next two weeks. Something that may help you over the next two weeks is to define some goals for yourself after this month.

Now that we’re nearing the half way point it’s time to begin preparing for long term success. So take some time today and figure out what your long term health, fitness and/or weight loss goals are. Sky’s the limit here so have fun. But remember if the goal is going to take some time to accomplish also set some short term attainable goals that will act assteps to your ultimate goals.

Here’s a reminder on good goal setting strategies;

Use the follow list to help you with your Goal Setting:

1. Decide what you want to accomplish
2. Set goals that are short, attainable and measureable
3. Create a deadline to accomplish your goal(s)
4. Develop and action plan for success
5. Visualize accomplishing your goals
6. Write your goals down
7. Review your goals daily
8. Take daily action toward your goals

Have fun, enjoy and I’ll be back tomorrow with your next Health and Fitness Tip!

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