Fitness Tip #14 of #31 Set Goals For Beyond The 31 Days

Ok We’re nearing the half way mark of “31 Days to a Much Improved You”. If you remember on day one I asked you to list some individual goals for the month. How are you doing with your goals? Are you stuggling? Have you given up? Are you on track? Or are you somewhere in between?

Today I’d like for you to revisit those goals and assess how you’re doing. Based on your assessment do you just need to keep rocking it this month? Do you need to change or modify your initial intentions? Or do you need to do a little soul searching and start all over?

Whatever the case is sit down and take some time to evaluate how you’ve been doing and what you still want to accomplish in the next two weeks. Something that may help you over the next two weeks is to define some goals for yourself after this month.

Now that we’re nearing the half way point it’s time to begin preparing for long term success. So take some time today and figure out what your long term health, fitness and/or weight loss goals are. Sky’s the limit here so have fun. But remember if the goal is going to take some time to accomplish also set some short term attainable goals that will act assteps to your ultimate goals.

Here’s a reminder on good goal setting strategies;

Use the follow list to help you with your Goal Setting:

1. Decide what you want to accomplish
2. Set goals that are short, attainable and measureable
3. Create a deadline to accomplish your goal(s)
4. Develop and action plan for success
5. Visualize accomplishing your goals
6. Write your goals down
7. Review your goals daily
8. Take daily action toward your goals

Have fun, enjoy and I’ll be back tomorrow with your next Health and Fitness Tip!

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