Motivational and Inspirational Quotes from The Biggest Loser – Season 13 Week 2

Here are the best motivational and inspirational quotes from The Biggest Loser Season 13 – Week 2

“You got this way in the kitchen, and you’ll get better in the kitchen.”

“Get out of your head; focus on yourself and nothing is impossible.”

“In order to fix my body I need to fix my mind.”

There weren’t a lot of great quotes during this weeks episode. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that it’s only the second week and the contestants have yet to truly understand the impact of the changes they are making. I’m anticipated this will change as the season progresses. Stay tuned.

See you next week


2012 Healthy Eating Focus Week #2

Welcome to week two of my ten week Healthy Eating Series, to Kick off 2012!

So how did you do this past week with your eating speed?  Are you convinced that it’s important to slow down and give your body the time that it needs to function properly, allowing for a faster metabolism?  Did you pay attention to your personal eating speed?  Sometimes it’s just a matter of becoming aware of it.

Your focus for week #2 builds upon your week #1 Eating Focus.  Slower eating means relaxing.  Are you stressed while you eat?  For example, are you driving in the car and eating or having an intense conversation while eating?

Focus #2 – Relaxed Eating – Relax and Burn Fat

Remember, the slower you eat the faster you metabolize.

This same concept applies to eating relaxed.  If you eat when you are stressed, your body goes into a fight or flight response.  So imagine the stress your body goes through if you see a big gorilla running toward you.  It doesn’t matter if it’s something as scary as that, or if you’re simply stressed about what you’re eating.

During these moments your body doesn’t recognize the differences in what you are experiencing.  It is genetically programmed to initiate the fight-or-flight response when it perceives any stress.

When it’s in this stress mode, the metabolism slows down and even some of your digestion stops.

Here are some key points to remember about stress and eating.  These were taken from Marc David’s “Slow Down Diet.”

“Worrying about fat increases fat.  Anxiety about weight loss causes your body to put fat on and retain it.”

Slow down, relax your mind! According to Marc, you will burn food more efficiently if you breathe in more oxygen.  So relax and take deep breaths while eating.

Here are some helpful tips:

Slow down and take your time
Create a relaxed eating environment by using candles, soft lighting, good company
Turn off your phone
Turning off the TV
Choose a restaurant with a relaxed atmosphere
Keep the conversation light and enjoyable

Try taking 10 long slow deep breaths before each meal, and after each meal.

While eating this next week really focus on creating a relaxed atmosphere, and think about slowing down and breathing.  Do this while keeping all stressors away.  You will be well on your road to a faster metabolism and an overall healthier you!

Please feel free to pass this valuable information to your friends, family, and co-workers!

In Good Health,

John Preston

Your Fitness Tutor

The information in this post combined with my Fat 2 Fit 56 Day Makeover will provide a great jump start for you. Make this year’s resolution a reality!

P.S. The information in this post is from Marc David’s “Food Psychology Coaching” Program. It was written by Certified Food Psychology Coach, Lisa Olona, and shared with her permission. If you like the information and are interested in learning more you can contact Lisa at

P.S.S. In the spirit of full disclosure, Lisa is a friend and associate. The link to contact her is not an affiliate link. I stand to gain nothing financially by providing you with her contact information. I’m always striving to provide you with FREE, accurate and effective information, that will help you to reach your ultimate potential. And I feel this information that Lisa is sharing serves that purpose.

The Biggest Loser Motivational and Inspirational Quotes

Here are the best motivational and inspirational quotes from The Biggest Loser Season 13 Premiere

“I want to change my life.”

“I’m tired of not being the person I know I can be.”

“What are you capable of?”

“Don’t you think it’s time for you to start taking care of yourself?”

“You’re scared, but you’re on the right path.”

“I need to take some time to take care of me.”

“Every excuse that I’ve ever given myself is gone.”

“I will not let excuses dictate my health.”

“I’m heading toward the happily ever after that I always wanted.”

See you next week


2012 Healthy Eating Focus Week #1

Happy New Year! 

Now that the Holidays are over it’s time to refocus your energy back to your health!

I have been working with individuals that want to lose weight or struggle to manage their weight, for over 18 years now.  The media bombards us with fad diets, gimmicks, and the quickest (easy) ways to lose weight.  Yet, many people still continue to ride the emotional roller coaster of gaining weight and feeling guilty, then losing weight and feeling successful, only to gain it back again.

This needs to change for your own sanity!  During the first 10 weeks of this year I will be walking you through a step by step lesson that will help you create an emotionally healthy relationship with food and with your body.  I will give you 10 key steps that go beyond calorie counting and stressing about everything you consume.

My goal is to help you develop such an emotionally healthy relationship with food and exercise so that you’ll never have to “diet” again.  You can feel OK to eat that piece of cake at a birthday party, without the hours of beating yourself up.  You can enjoy food at an emotionally healthy level.

This is simply my thanks to you for being a committed reader, as well as, my genuine desire to make your life more enjoyable.

Here is your eating focus for the first week.  Work on this every time you eat, and you’ll start to create new habits. Enjoy!

First ask yourself, am I a fast, moderate, or slow eater?  If you answered fast or moderate, then this is really for you.  If you answered slow, you’ll learn just how much of a boost you’re giving to your metabolism by eating slowly.

Focus #1 – Eating Speed

Eating fast creates stress on your nutritional metabolism.  So if you want a healthy metabolism, slow down when you eat!

According to the “Slow Down Diet,” by Marc David, your body creates a stress response when you eat too fast.  The following things occur:

Reduced nutrient absorption
Reduced oxygen supply
Reduced thermic efficiency – your ability to burn calories
Reduced growth hormone – helps burn fat and build muscle
Reduced thyroid hormone – decreases metabolic activity
Reduced muscle mass – more flab and a slower metabolism
Reduced sex hormones – lower sex drive, low energy
Reduced kidney function – toxicity, electrolyte imbalance, water retention

You’ll also experience:

Increased nutrient excretion – loss of vital nutrients
Increased blood cholesterol – stress raises LDL
Increased salt retention
Increased cortisol levels
Increased food sensitivities and allergies
Increased oxidative stress – prematurely ages the body
Increased inflammation

We cause stress to our bodies when we eat too fast.  The body has to work harder to keep up and digest properly.  The information above is the result of this stress.  The indicators of good health; the things you want to go up, decline and vice-versa.

The lesson this week is to practice slowing down when you eat!  For the next few meals, become aware of your eating speed.  As you become more aware of the speed, start to focus on slowing down.  Give your body the time it needs to digest the nutrients properly!

Please feel free to pass this valuable information to your friends, family, and co-workers!

In Good Health,

John Preston

Your Fitness Tutor

If you really want to get a jump start with your weight loss this year, then check out my Fat 2 Fit 56 Day Makeover. It just might be right for you!


P.S. The information in this post is from Marc David’s “Food Psychology Coaching” Program. It was written by Certified Food Psychology Coach, Lisa Olona, and shared with her permission. If you like the information and are interested in learning more you can contact Lisa at

P.S.S. In the spirit of full disclosure, Lisa is a friend and associate. The link to contact her is not an affiliate link. I stand to gain nothing financially by providing you with her contact information. I’m always striving to provide you with FREE, accurate and effective information, that will help you to reach your ultimate potential. And I feel this information that Lisa is sharing serves that purpose.


Biggest Loser Motivational and Inspirational Quotes – Marathon Episode

My first impression of The Biggest Loser having a Marathon, was that it is a ridiculously stupid idea.


The contestants on the show are all morbidly obese, they each have 50-200+ pounds to lose. They’ve been losing weight and exercising for about 12 weeks and now they are going to run a Marathon? It seems risky to their health and unsafe. But I have to admit, I changed my mind.

Bonnie who is 63 and due to have knee replacement surgery did not attempt the Marathon, which was a good choice.


Also they had a Doctor present and he pulled two other people from the Marathon to avoid any possible long term injury. Yet again another great choice.


So 12 of the 15 people finished a Marathon. All still with considerable weight to lose and with only 12 weeks of training to prepare. Their nutrition and exercise programs during that 12 weeks were weight loss specific and not Marathon specific. Yet they still did it.


What I took away from this show was that we are all capable of doing way more than we think we can. We place limits and restrictions on what we think we can accomplish, without any proof or evidence to support those limitations. Myself included.

Lesson Learned.

Here are the inspirational and motivational quotes from the Marathon episode of The Biggest Loser

“I’m coming home a brand new person. I feel so much better about myself, I’m stronger.”

“I’ve changed inside and out, so much.”

“I now believe in myself. Before I didn’t”

“I now have strength energy and desire.”

“Be a better version of yourself.”

“I’m dedicated to finish what I start.”

“I want to feel good and be healthy the rest of my days on this earth.”

“There’s no crazy gimmick, there’s no secret to it. It’s just hard work an exercise.”

“It’s just letting go of a lot of junk. It feels good to not have to carry all that extra baggage.”

“I can’t come in here and plan to change years of pain and anguish and hiding. But I can plant the seed and start breaking down all of the walls that we’ve build up over these years.”

“I’m gaining years back with every pound that I lose.”

“Anything worth getting, is worth fighting for.”

“We all have it in us, all we have to do is dig it out.”

“I’m happy and I’m healthy and I feel good.”

“A complete transformation of my mind. It’s awesome and a really good feeling.”

“Look at what I’ve done, the impossible….what a dream.”

The Marathon episode had a ton of great quotes.


Enjoy, see you next week for the finale.

How To Get Flat Abs By Xmas

I just received a newsletter from a former colleague with the following subject line; “Flat abs for Xmas”. This type of marketing is typical fitness industry stuff. Over-hyped, unrealistic promises that prey on your emotional triggers.

 I’m sick of it. Let’s get real!

First of all it is probably impossible for you to have flat abs by Christmas. This Newsletter was sent out on December 1st, so you’d only have 24 days to get your flat abs. To get flat abs you’ll need to get very lean. And while exercise is a vital component you’d have to follow a very strict diet to get flat abs. If you’re following a very strict diet you can expect to lose a max of 1-2 pounds per week. So in four weeks you’ll lose about 4-8 pounds.

If you are more than 4-8 pounds away from flat abs you won’t reach your goal in time for Christmas.

Second, if you’ve got to lose more than 8 pounds to get your flat abs, are you really going to go on an extremely strict diet the 3-4 weeks before Christmas? You have to set realistic, attainable goals. Otherwise you’ll set yourself up for failure. If you fail enough times, you’ll simply give up and stop trying. And when you stop trying, you’ll never reach your goals.

I want you to be successful. I want you to reach your goals. I will help to set you up for success.

Third and most important, is having flat abs really your top priority when it comes to your health, fitness and nutrition? If it is then I’m not interested in helping you. Shoot me and email and I’ll get you in touch with the trainer who promises “flat abs for Xmas.”

When your priorities are rooted in your superficial appearance you are setting yourself up for failure. Because you’re never going to be happy with what you see in the mirror.

The changes that will happen to your body are the by-product (or side effect), of genuine good health and wellness. And that change starts in your mind. If you want to improve your health, you’ll need to change the way that you think about yourself, food, and movement (exercise). When you change your mind, your way of thinking, then you’ll like what you see in the mirror.

Think about it this way. If you don’t think that you’re worthy or deserving of good health, why would you even begin to engage in habits or activities that would lead to improved health?

If you “hate” exercise, do you think that you’ll be successful at it? Have you ever been successful at anything that you hate to do? So to be successful you have to change your mind, change the way you think and feel about exercise. Now this is a process, a journey, there isn’t a switch that you can hit that will cause you to love to exercise when you currently hate it.

But I can show you how.

If you think of food that is bad for your health and in direct opposition to your goals as a “treat” or “reward”, then you need to change your mind. Change your relationship with food. Start to think of food that nourishes your body and improves your health as the reward.

Again this is a process, and a journey. And the destination is good health! It might take longer than 3-4 weeks to get there but it’s worth it.

And unlike the misleading, unrealistic goal of flat abs in 3 weeks, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and understanding of how to maintain your good health for the rest of your life.

Now for a fun little task. In the comment section below create a list of 5-10 health, fitness, and wellness goals that you have. The list must include “Flat Abs”. Then rank them in order of importance to you…

Enjoy….and Have a Merry Christmas
(Flat abs, or not…)

Motivational And Inspirational Quotes from The Biggest Loser Season 12 – Week #11

Here are the best quotes from week #11 of The Biggest Loser

“I’m pushing with everything I’ve got. I want this so bad.”

“Be free of the burden that the weight causes you.”

“You’ve got to get up tomorrow morning and do it all over again.”

“This is the first step to the rest of my life.”

“I feel so good about myself.”

“My life had gotten away from me and I’ve gotten it back. It’s my life now and it feels great!”

See you next week

Biggest Loser Motivational and Inspirational Quotes from the Thanksgiving Celebration

The night before Thanksgiving The Biggest Loser had a reunion celebration episode.

They invited back competitors from previous seasons to see how they were doing. The people that they invited back still looked great and they are all doing amazing things. It was a great show. Here are the best quotes for that episode;

“Tomorrow is gone, but today is here, you can do this.”

“Why can’t I have it all? Why can’t everyone have it all?”

“I have done this to myself, no more blaming someone else. No more excuses.”

“Everyone deserves the same happiness that I’ve found on the (Biggest Loser) ranch.”

“I’m trying to lead by example.”

“I know how it feels when you think that you don’t have anymore…you dig down deep and you realize that you do. That faith is unwavering.”

“I finally have a life.”

“Nothing is impossible.”

“I finally unlocked something inside myself.”

“No obstacle is too big or to small.”

“You know what? Why can’t I? Why not?”

“The next chapter of my life is yet to be seen, but whatever it is I’m ready to fly again.”

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Biggest Loser – Motivational and Inspirational Quotes Season 12 week #10

Before I get to the Motivational and Inspirational Quotes from this week I want to go over an important Holiday weight gain issue. This was the Thanksgiving episode. They started the show with Thanksgiving temptation. But more importantly they dropped an interesting fact.

According the The Biggest Loser, the average American consumes about 4500 calories during Thanksgiving. This is an important fact. Because so many people worry about weight gain during the Holidays or try to make a Holiday meal healthier. I say that that is a waste of time. Here’s  why….

Yes the average American may consume 4500 calories. But if you’re an average American you’ll need about 2000 calories that day. So it is only 2500 extra calories. That means you’d only gain about .7 pounds on Thanksgiving. You shouldn’t be concerned with a .7 pound weight gain on Thanksgiving. You should enjoy yourself and your friends, family and food. What you should be concerned about, and what should keep you awake at night is the extra 100 calories that you consume the 350 non-holiday days each year that lead to 10 pounds of weight gain a year.

If you eat clean everyday and exercise more days than not year round, then you won’t have anything to worry about on the Holidays. How much more fun and enjoyable will they be if that is your reality?

Let’s look at this another way. Let’s say that you consume an extra 2500 on each of the Holidays; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. That is 10,000 extra calories. That means you’d gain about 2.8 pounds. You seriously aren’t trying to make Thanksgiving a healthy meal because your worried about gaining only 2.8 pounds are you? If so here is the solution. You need a combination of reduced calorie intake (eating) or increased calorie expenditure (moving) of about 166 calories per day to lose 2.8 pounds during the two months between Halloween and New Years Day.

If you do that, then you can pig out during the four holidays and not gain a pound.

So how do you get to a total of 166 calories?

10 minutes of exercise (jogging at 12 minutes/mile, circuit training, aerobics), for a 180 pound person will burn about 100 calories. One chocolate chip cookie is about 72 calories. Grand total 172 calories. There you go. Exercise 10 minutes/day (or add 10 minutes to your workout) and skip one cookie per day. That way you can enjoy your holidays and not gain any weight.

Now if you just go nuts and have Halloween candy around for a month, eat Thanksgiving left overs for a week, eat every bit of candy and cookies that people bring in to work or give you as gifts, then you’re going to gain a ton of weight (10-20+ pounds). If you’re going to do that then just disregard everything I’ve written above.

Gain the weight and look me up in January. I’ll help you to lose the weight then!!!

Now for the Inspirational and Motivational quotes from this weeks episode of The Biggest Loser

“You have a lot to fight for.”

“If you can’t celebrate it then you don’t think you’ve achieved anything. It make it that much easier to go back.”

“Just keep moving, don’t stop.”

“Yeah, I’m hurting, but I’m not dead.”

“Finish what you start.”

“Hold your head up high.”

“I have so much to live for now.”

“I was lying to myself, there’s no more lying.”

“This is the life, right here!”

See you next week

Biggest Loser – Motivational and Inspirational Quotes From Season 12, Week 9

Here are the top Inspirational and Motivational Quotes from this weeks episode of The Biggest Loser

“I’m going all out.”

“We’re going to make this happen.”

“Don’t ever tell me that you can’t do it.”

“You let go…and you just did it. Don’t ever tell me that you can’t do this.”

“The only way that you’re going to be OK is to let go – and trust.”

“Start taking care of yourself.”

BAM! That just happened.”

“I want to be the healthiest 63 year old women I can be.”

“I feel better than I’ve ever felt in my life.”

“It’s about what I’m doing to save my life.”

See you next week

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