Prize Payout For The Big Event Happening This May


Big Event Coming This May!

OK, I’ve hinted at this a couple times, there is a huge event happening this May. And I want you to be part of it. I really do want to tell you all the details today. But unfortunately I can’t. I would get in all sorts of legal trouble if I talk about it now. But I can tell you this.

It’s going to be a ton of fun. It’s going to be interactive. It’s going to be emotional and inspiring. It will be national in scale (so everyone in the country, possibly in other countries as well, can participate). It wiil involve fitness, nutrition and weight loss.

There are only a couple things that you’ll need to do to be part of it. Again I can’t tell you what all of them are quite yet. But one of them is you have to “like” Fitness Know How Headquarter’s Facebook fan page. Only people who “like” the page will be eligible to win CASH!

OH YEAH there will also be CASH prizes (actually Visa Gift Cards)

Here is the payout schedule. Please NOTE, that there are no limits. An unlimited number of people can participate and the prizes will continue to grow and become more awesome as more people get involved. So please help me spread the word and share this with people who you think might like fun, interactive, emotional, inspiring, events involving fitness, nutrition, weight loss and best of all CASH!

Again here is the payout schedulre for the prizes.


First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Fourth Place






















































P.S. This is real so after you “like” Fitness Know How Headquarter’s page please suggest it to your friends.

I’m really Amped about this event!


In Good Health,

John Preston 

What I Eat

I had a very brief, yet interesting conversation yesterday with a lady who used to be in my boot camp.

I walked in the gym and she asked me “John, do you ever eat at home?” At first I thought that she was referring to the fact that I bring my own food with me everyday. But I quickly realized that she thinks that I eat every meal at restaurants. She came to this conclusion because I’ve adopted a new habit of posting my “check ins” on facebook.

Here is my concern. This lady knows me very well. She’s been in my boot camp program. She’s come to my nutrition seminars. She even followed the nutrition principles that I recommend during an 8-week weight loss contest. Facebook is very powerful. Here’s why…

The truth is that I eat at restaurants 2-3 times each week. The rest of the time I buy, prepare and eat my own food. I eat 6-7 meals a day.  That means that I eat 4-7% of my meals at restaurants each week. But because I post what restaurants I like, the perceived reality is that I eat all of my meals out. If I did I’d be fat. But I am not fat because  93-96% of the time I eat whole, natural, self-prepared (often organic) food. 

If you don’t want to be fat, you should do the same.

Here is exactly what I had to eat yesterday

Meal 1

  • Oatmeal (plain)
  • Homemade chicken breast breakfast sausage

Meal 2

  • Ground Turkey (onion, red pepper, spinach, cumin, chili and chipotle powder)
  • Brown Rice
  • Asparagus

Meal 3

  • Red Snapper
  • Brown Rice/Curry Lentils
  • Squash

Meal 4 (Snack)

  • Orange
  • Raspberries

Meal 5

  • Grilled Chicken
  • Yams
  • Broccoli

Meal 6

  • Salad with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • Mixed Greens
  • Olives
  • Avocado
  • Kidney & Garbanzo Beans
  • Grilled Chicken

Now I could annoy the crap out of you and post everything I eat as I eat it on Facebook. But this isn’t about me.  I’m here to help you with your exercise and nutrition program, and what works for me may not be the best plan for you.

To learn more about the nutrition program that I recommend (because it is flexible, adaptable and is in line with my philosophy), click this link.

P.S. You are allowed cheat days on this plan, so you can go to any restaurant to like and eat your favorite food!

P.S.S And it Fricken Works!!!!!

Here’s the link again

Healthy Holidays And Merry Fitness


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From Fitness Know How Headquarters!


It’s holiday time again. I wish you all good health and happiness during the holiday and upcoming New Year. But I don’t wish the typical weight gain that occurs this time of year on anyone. The typical American will gain weight. There are a lot of numbers out there suggesting just how much weight you will gain, let’s just say it’s a safe bet to assume you will gain five to fifteen pounds this holiday season. You already have plans to lose weight and can’t afford another fifteen pounds. You can’t afford another pound! Here are some tips to help you get through this wonderful yet difficult time of the year.

First, if you are currently working out don’t stop. If you don’t work out, start. I know this is a busy time of the year and you are being pulled in a lot of different directions, but if you simply maintain your weight throughout the holidays you are up to fifteen pounds ahead of the typical American come January 1st. The other advantage of beginning to workout now is that the gym will be empty. This will help you get acquainted with the equipment and time to develop a workout plan before the crowds hit in January. Another important reason to workout now is the challenge of all the excess goodies (and the calories that come with them) during the holidays can be offset by expending energy in the gym.

Second, start new traditions. Don’t exchange gifts with everyone like cookies, candies, cheese balls, nut rolls, and dare I say, fruit cake. Instead buy or make an ornament with items from a vacation you took during the year or some other personalized gift that they can keep forever. It is far more pleasant to reminisce about the creative gifts that everyone has exchanged over the years, than how difficult it is to walk a flight of stairs because you have all contributed to each others obesity.

Third, control yourself at holiday parties. This one is a little more difficult, but here’s what you do. When you get invited to a holiday party; remember the host is inviting you because they like you, not because they need you to come over and eat their food. Don’t show up to the party starving. Eat before you go. Not a lot, just a snack, enough so when you get there you don’t consume 3000 calories of hors d’oeuvres before you take off your jacket. You don’t want to eat so much food that you show up and don’t eat a single thing either. A good rule of thumb is to consider how much you typically eat for a meal and eat half of that, one to two hours before the party. If the host is offended because you did not make a pig of yourself at the party, consider looking for other friends to socialize with over the holiday season. Go very light on the hors d’oeuvres. Don’t feel obligated to try everything, instead enjoy the food you know you enjoy. Eat only a taste of your favorites, especially the high fat calorically dense items.

The holidays are a time to spend with friends and family, a time to get together with those we love. Remember why the holidays are important to you and celebrate as such. But if you don’t want the holidays to be about you getting fatter, follow these simple suggestions and enjoy.

This Might Be Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Ok I recently took a trip to Zion National Park (don’t worry, I’ll post the pics in another blog). Anyway Saturday night after arriving and having dinner, we decided to stop by the Sports Bar next to the hotel to find out what happened that day in College football. That was the weekend that Missouri beat Oklahoma, so it was kind of a big day. But that’s not the point.

While I was sitting at the bar watching the games and highlights from the day, a lady from the restaurant next door stopped by to socialize and sell jewelry to the people at the bar. Again not the point. Actually there are two points. One she was really, really fat! Morbidly obese for sure. Now I’m not judging, since I feel that I’m uniquely equipped to help all fat people to lose weight. But here is point two.

While I was watching the games, she got up went behind the bar and poured herself a cup of coffee. She refilled one of those Starbuck’s, largo, grande, super huge (whatever they are called) cups. Again, no big deal.

But then she reached across the bar and grabbed five of those little restaurant half & half containers. And she slowly ripped the top off and poured each one into her coffee. The weird thing is (and I’m staring at her now, there might as well not have been any TV’s on ’cause I can’t stop watching her), a strange calm came over her as she poured each container of half & half into her coffee. It was completely ritualistic, she grabbed each creamer, took the top off of each one, and poured it exactly the same way. It seemed to be happened almost subconsciously. But there’s more…

After she put the five containers of half & half into her coffee she reached across the bar to grab three more. She put eight containers of half & half in her coffee! Now her process caught my attention after she poured the coffee, so I don’t know if she also added sugar. But do you really believe that anyone who adds 8 containers of half & half to their coffee doesn’t also add sweetener?

Here’s my point. This lady’s behavior was so habitual that I’m certain she isn’t even aware of what she is putting in her body. If you were to ask her to write down everything she ate in a day, she’d include the food but not the coffee.

I was so intrigued by watching this behavior that I grabbed a container of half & half before I left the restaurant. I had to know how many calories she added to her coffee. Turns out that each container is 3/8oz. So eight containers is 3oz. of half & half. That is 118 calories. I know that doesn’t sound like much but get this. It was 10pm. Do you really think that was her first cup of coffee that day? Don’t you think that anyone who drinks 20oz. of coffee and 3oz. of half & half at 10pm also starts their day off the same way?

So let’s say she does this twice each day, that’s 236 calories. If she had an additional cup mid-day (just to get through her day), that would be 354 calories. Remember she works in a restaurant so she has access to coffee and those little containers of half & half all the time. Ok I know I’m making some assumptions now, but I’ll make some more to give her the benefit of the doubt…

Let’s assume she exercises daily and each day she consumed perfectly balanced meals with the perfect amount of calories and nutrients to fuel her body. Even if that is true if she has two cups of coffee with half & half each day, she’d gain 24.5 pounds in a year. If she had three cups of coffee each day, she’d gain 36.8 pounds in a year (remember I’m not including any sweetener in these figures). So even if she was living an ideal healthy lifestyle she’d still end up morbidly obese after a couple/several years of adding half & half to her coffee.

Now I know that you’re sitting there reading this saying to yourself, “but I don’t drink coffee” or “I drink my coffee black”. That’s not the point. The point is this lady is completely unaware of the impact that one simple, somewhat subconscious behavior, is having on her health.

What’s important is for you to look at your day and determine if there are any habits that you engage in on a regular bases that result in as little as 236 – 354 empty calories entering your body.

Right now, sitting there the answer is probably no (remember this is habitual and relatively sub-conscious behavior). But pay attention to everything you put into your mouth and see if you can determine the little things that are making losing weight so difficult for you.

Remember it’s the little things that can make a huge difference.

This Might Be Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Ok I recently took a trip to Zion National Park (don’t worry, I’ll post the pics in another blog). Anyway Saturday night after arriving and having dinner, we decided to stop by the Sports Bar next to the hotel to find out what happened that day in College football. That was the weekend that Missouri beat Oklahoma, so it was kind of a big day. But that’s not the point.

While I was sitting at the bar watching the games and highlights from the day, a lady from the restaurant next door stopped by to socialize and sell jewelry to the people at the bar. Again not the point. Actually there are two points. One she was really, really fat! Morbidly obese for sure. Now I’m not judging, since I feel that I’m uniquely equipped to help all fat people to lose weight. But here is point two.

While I was watching the games, she got up went behind the bar and poured herself a cup of coffee. She refilled one of those Starbuck’s, largo, grande, super huge (whatever they are called) cups. Again, no big deal.

But then she reached across the bar and grabbed five of those little restaurant half & half containers. And she slowly ripped the top off and poured each one into her coffee. The weird thing is (and I’m staring at her now, there might as well not have been any TV’s on ’cause I can’t stop watching her), a strange calm came over her as she poured each container of half & half into her coffee. It was completely ritualistic, she grabbed each creamer, took the top off of each one, and poured it exactly the same way. It seemed to be happened almost subconsciously. But there’s more…

After she put the five containers of half & half into her coffee she reached across the bar to grab three more. She put eight containers of half & half in her coffee! Now her process caught my attention after she poured the coffee, so I don’t know if she also added sugar. But do you really believe that anyone who adds 8 containers of half & half to their coffee doesn’t also add sweetener?

Here’s my point. This lady’s behavior was so habitual that I’m certain she isn’t even aware of what she is putting in her body. If you were to ask her to write down everything she ate in a day, she’d include the food but not the coffee.

I was so intrigued by watching this behavior that I grabbed a container of half & half before I left the restaurant. I had to know how many calories she added to her coffee. Turns out that each container is 3/8oz. So eight containers is 3oz. of half & half. That is 118 calories. I know that doesn’t sound like much but get this. It was 10pm. Do you really think that was her first cup of coffee that day? Don’t you think that anyone who drinks 20oz. of coffee and 3oz. of half & half at 10pm also starts their day off the same way?

So let’s say she does this twice each day, that’s 236 calories. If she had an additional cup mid-day (just to get through her day), that would be 354 calories. Remember she works in a restaurant so she has access to coffee and those little containers of half & half all the time. Ok I know I’m making some assumptions now, but I’ll make some more to give her the benefit of the doubt…

Let’s assume she exercises daily and each day she consumed perfectly balanced meals with the perfect amount of calories and nutrients to fuel her body. Even if that is true if she has two cups of coffee with half & half each day, she’d gain 24.5 pounds in a year. If she had three cups of coffee each day, she’d gain 36.8 pounds in a year (remember I’m not including any sweetener in these figures). So even if she was living an ideal healthy lifestyle she’d still end up morbidly obese after a couple/several years of adding half & half to her coffee.

Now I know that you’re sitting there reading this saying to yourself, “but I don’t drink coffee” or “I drink my coffee black”. That’s not the point. The point is this lady is completely unaware of the impact that one simple, somewhat subconscious behavior, is having on her health.

What’s important is for you to look at your day and determine if there are any habits that you engage in on a regular bases that result in as little as 236 – 354 empty calories entering your body.

Right now, sitting there the answer is probably no (remember this is habitual and relatively sub-conscious behavior). But pay attention to everything you put into your mouth and see if you can determine the little things that are making losing weight so difficult for you.

Remember it’s the little things that can make a huge difference.

Bonus Tip! Top Ten Summary!

I hope you’ve enjoyed my “31 Tips To A Much Improved You”. You received the last Tip about a week ago and I’m sure you’re applying all the information to your daily routine and you’re feeling awesome. Anyway I wanted to follow up with a review of the most important changes that you can make so that you continue to live a much healthier life. Here are the Top Ten Things you should be doing everyday…enjoy!

1. Drink a gallon of water every day

Staying hydrated is essential if you want to lose weight, or maintain a healthy body weight. It also helps to reduce your hunger, aid in digestion, increase your metabolism, reduce pain and headaches, and reduces the risk of digestive system cancers.

2. Engage in Cardio 3-6 days each week

Cardio increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Helps to control risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol. It also burns calories and increases yourmetabolism; which helps to maintain a healthy body weight.

3. Eat your fruits and veggies

Fruits Provide: Fiber, Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals
Vegetable Provide: Fiber, Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals

Here’s the thing Fiber, Antioxidant, and Vitamins and Minerals, all fight off diseases, especially many cancers
4. Resistance Training 3-6 Day a week

Resistance Training increases your strength, bone density, and your metabolism. It’s the only way to ramp up your metabolism 24 hours a day. And it helps to make everything you do in life a lot easier.

5. Eat 5-7 small meals each day

Eating 5-7 small meals a day will regulate blood sugar and hormone levels, and increase your metabolism. This will make it super easy to either lose excess body weight, or maintain a healthy body weight.

6. Stretch Every Day

Stretching every day will help to reduce aches and pains. Plus it will make all of your daily activities easier

7. Eat lean sources of Protein

Protein is essential to your health. Focusing on lean proteins will help to ensure you keep your calories under control and maintain a healthy body weight.

8. Do your Core and Ab exercises

Having strong and healthy core and abdominal muscles is the foundation for being fit. A strong core will minimize back pain and optimize your ability to perform physical activities

9. Eat. Oatmeal, Yams, and Brown rice

You’ve got to have Carbs, they are your body’s (and your brain’s fuel of choice). Plus you can’t utilize fat without having carbs in your system. Eating Oats, Yams, and Brown Rice will ensure that the carbs you are eating are healthy and gluten free.

10. Eat your healthy fats, get your omegas.

Eating Fat is essential to your health. To be healthy make sure to eat mono- and polyunsaturated fats (and avoid saturated and trans fats). Also get plenty of Omega-3 andOmega-9. Dietary fat has a ton of health benefits, but the most important might be maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

 If you’ve found this information to be interesting, helpful, and useful, please share it with your friends.

And remember to visit regularly. I’ll be updating the site with new health, fitness and exercise information frequently.
Thanks for trusting me with your health

In Good Health,

John Preston.

Fitness Tip #30 of #31 Limit Your Coffee And Alcohol

If you remember back to Tip #4 (Drink a gallon of water every day), you’ll remember the importance of staying properly hydrated and all of its health benefits. The thing with both coffee (caffeine) and alcohol is that they are both diuretics. When you consume either you lose water and become dehydrated. For this tip you don’t need to completely exclude coffee and alcohol from your life, but I do suggest you minimize both considerably.

Coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine and consuming a little caffeine can increase your metabolism and help improve the intensity of your workouts. So there can be some benefits. Alcohol really doesn’t have many health benefits. I know, wine has anti-oxidants! But so do grapes, so eat those. Alcohol is part of our society and culture. It’s a part of many of our celebrations and traditions. Remember cheat days (Tip #7)? Keep your alcohol consumption limited to your cheat days.

The caffeine found in coffee is a stimulant and it will elevate heart rate, increase blood flow, and raise body temperature. It increases blood sugar levels and act as a diuretic, meaning you urinate more frequently and reduce water intake.

For people with high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels (diabetes) the negative effects of caffeine should be understood. Caffeine can raise both these levels. Any type of heart problem can be affected by caffeine. The negative effect of caffeine in increasing heart rate can create problems for people with heart conditions, and in high doses, caffeine can induce irregular heartbeats in healthy people.

People with stomach conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcers, and gastro-intestinal reflux, may all suffer from the negative effects of caffeine. Caffeine increases acidic response in the stomach which may lead to excessive bowel movements and is associated with stomach discomfort.

Negative effects of caffeine can be broken down into moderate and serious side effects:
Moderate negative effects of caffeine include:

1. Headaches
2. Irritability
3. Increase in breast tenderness
4. Restlessness
5. Mild insomnia
6. Increased heart rate
7. Increased blood sugar
8. Difficulty concentrating
9. Mild stomach upset

Severe negative effects of caffeine include:

1. Panic attacks
2. Irregular heartbeat
3. Sleep deprivation
4. Continuous stomach problems
5. Prolonged depression
6. Sleep disorders

The Negative Effects of alcohol include

1. Water loss:  There is rapid water loss (diuresis) within the first several hours of drinking alcohol due to decreased secretion of antidiuretic hormone, a pituitary peptide.

2. Electrolyte Depletion:  Depletion of magnesium. Magnesium depletion can lead to a reduction calcium from bone. And reduced phosphate level may lead to muscle weakness anddegeneration.

3. Vitamin Deficiency: Folate deficiency can occur and is a common cause of anemia. Alcohol also interferes with vitamin B12 absorption. Deficiencies of the two vitamins cause large-cell anemia. Vitamin B6 metabolism is disturbed by the process of alcohol oxidation, contributing to anemia. Niacin deficiency, is also common. Vitamin A storage is commonly decreased.

4. Micronutrient Deficiency: Trace element metabolism may be disordered with regular alcohol consumption. Alcohol may increase the urinary loss of zinc and the absorption of iron. Zinc deficiency aggravates vitamin A deficiency, since zinc is needed in the transformation of vitamin A into its active form.

5. Liver damage is the best known result of alcohol abuse.

6. Alcohol impairs regulation of blood sugar levels

7. Alcohol impairs reproductive functions

8. Alcohol impairs calcium metabolism and bone structure

So there you have it. This one is pretty simple. Limit your coffee intake to 1-2 cups each day. And only drink alcohol on your cheat days (and don’t go crazy either!)

I’ll be back tomorrow with your final tip!

Fitness Tip #29 of #31 Drink Green Tea

Green Tea is awesome. Although all teas have many health benefits, green tea has the most. This is because green tea is the least processed compared to all other teas. Teadrinking has been associated with health benefits for centuries, only in recent years have its medicinal properties been investigated scientifically.

Tea’s health benefits are largely due to its high content of flavonoids — plant-derived compounds that are antioxidants. Green tea is the best food source of a group called catechins.  Catechins are more powerful than vitamins C and E in halting oxidative damage to cells and appear to have other disease-fighting properties. Studies have found an association between consuming green tea and a reduced risk for several cancers, including, skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal, and bladder.

Additional benefits for regular consumers of green tea includes a reduced risk for heart disease. The antioxidants in green tea can help block the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol and improve artery function.

Drinking a cup of tea a few times a day to absorb antioxidants and other healthful plant compounds.  The best way to get the catechins and other flavonoids in tea is to drinkit freshly brewed tea. Decaffeinated, instant and bottled teas have less of these compounds. Although bottled green tea is a convenient alternative (just make sure it isn’t sweetened, artificial or otherwise). Green tea can impede the absorption of iron from fruits and vegetables. Adding lemon or drinking tea between meals will counteract this problem. 

Drink one to three cups of brewed or bottled green tea everyday! Allow the tea to steep for three to five minutes to bring out its catechins.

I’ll be back tomorrow with Tip #30

Fitness Tip #28 of #31 Increase Your Fiber

Eating enough dietary fiber is essential for good health. In previous tip’s I’ve recommended to increase your fruit and vegetable consumption which will help with increasing daily fiber intake. Now we’re going to kick it up an notch by adding oatmeal to your daily routine. A single serving of oats provides almost twenty percent of the daily fiber requirement. Plus, oatmeal is a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, while insoluble fiber keeps the digestive tract working properly. Oatmeal has a ton of health benefits, here they are…

1.Eating oatmeal may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. The soluble fiber in oats helps remove LDL or “bad” cholesterol, while maintaining the good cholesterol that your body needs.

2.The soluble fiber in oatmeal absorbs a considerable amount of water which significantly slows down your digestive process. This result is that you’ll feel full longer, i.e.oatmeal can help you control your weight.

3. Oatmeal may reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes. The soluble fiber in these foods help to control blood glucose levels

4.With the exception of certain flavored varieties, the oats found in your grocery store are 100% natural. If you look at the ingredients on a canister of rolled oats, you will usually see only one ingredient… rolled oats.

5. A diet that includes oatmeal may help reduce high blood pressure. The reduction is linked to the increase in soluble fiber provided by oatmeal. Oats contain more solublefiber than whole wheat, rice or corn.

6.Oatmeal contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and is a good source of protein, complex carbohydrates and iron.

7.The fiber and other nutrients found in oatmeal may actually reduce the risk for certain cancers.

8.Oatmeal is quick and convenient. Every type of oatmeal can be prepared in a microwave oven. Even when cooked on the stovetop, both old-fashioned and quick oats can usuallybe made in less than 10 minutes.

9.Oatmeal can be absolutely delicious! Whether instant, cooked on the stove or baked in the oven, the combination of flavors you can fit into a serving of oatmeal is limitedonly by the imagination.

OK, it’s probably not a stretch to convince you that eating Oatmeal is a healthy thing for you to do. But don’t screw up a perfectly healthy food with a bunch of unhealthy toppings. Milk, butter and sugar (of all types) are out. Remember these are health and fitness tips. I eat my oatmeal plain and it’s really good that way. I know, for some, that isn’t probably likely so try these toppings.

1. Fresh Fruit
2. Nuts
3. Cinnamon
4. Stevia (the only sweetener I recommend)

Here’s my gluten disclaimer. Oatmeal doesn’t naturally contain gluten, but the growing and packaging practices of major oatmeal brands do result in the presence of gluten in oatmeal. Therefore you’ll need to look for smaller brands with the word’s “Gluten Free” on the label. I’m trying to avoid promoting specific brands but because I want you to make it as easy as possible for you to improve your health, I’m going to recommend  “Bob’s Red Mill, gluten free oatmeal” I’m not sure if this oatmeal is better than any other gluten free brand, but it’s the brand that is most likely to be on the shelves of the grocery store you already shop at.

So here’s the tip. Eat a serving of oatmeal every single day. You might find breakfast to be the most logical meal for this. Enjoy.

See you tomorrow!

Fitness Tip #27 of #31 Get Your Omegas

Eating sources of fat that are high in omega-3 fatty acids is a great way to ensure that you living a healthy life. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods including walnuts, some fruits and vegetables, and coldwater fish such as herring, mackerel, sturgeon, and anchovies.

The benefits of omega-3s include reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke while helping to reduce symptoms of hypertension, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), joint pain and other rheumatoid problems, as well as certain skin ailments. Some research has even shown that omega-3s can boost the immune system and help rotect us from a variety of illnesses including Alzheimer’s disease. It also plays a vital role in the health of the membrane of every cell in our body.

Omega-3 has another important health benefit, its ability to reduce the negative impact of yet another essential type of fatty acid known as omega-6s. Found in foods such as eggs, poultry, cereals, vegetable oils, baked goods, and margarine, omega-6s are also considered essential. They support skin health, lower cholesterol, and help make our blood “sticky” so it is able to clot. But when omega-6s aren’t balanced with sufficient amounts of omega-3s, problems occur. When blood is too sticky, it promotes clot formation, and this can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The latest research shows that the most promising health effects of essential fatty acids are achieved through a proper balance between omega-3s and omega-6s. The ratio to shoot for is roughly 4 parts omega-3s to 1 part omega-6s. The typical American diet has a ratio of around 20 to 1 — 20 omega-6’s to 1 omega-3 — and that spells trouble. The easiest way to achieve that balance is to focus on increasing Omega-3 intake.

Here are good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids

1. Salmon (plus other cold water fish)
2. Walnuts
3. Flaxseeds (oil)
4, Soybeans (organic)
5. Brussels Sprouts
6. Winter Squash

Here are some good source of Omega-6 fatty acids

1. Flax seed oil
2. Pumpkin seeds
3. Pine nuts
4. Pistachio nuts
5. Sunflower seeds (raw)
6. Olive oil
7. Olives

How to Get What You Need

The recommendation [for omega-3s] is two servings of fish each week, each serving being 3 to 4 ounces. If you really want to protect your heart you should eat a variety of  types of fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) at least twice a week. But even if you don’t like fish (or choose not to eat it), you can still get what you need from other sources, particularly flaxseed. Another choice is walnuts, about an ounce, or one handful of walnuts have about 2.5 grams of omega-3s. That’s equal to about 3.5 ounces of salmon.

Besides getting more omega-3s, you can also help your heart by replacing some omega-6s from cooking oils with a third fatty acid known as omega-9 (oleonic acid). This is a monounsaturated fat found primarily in olive oil. Though it is not considered “essential” (the body can make some omega-9), by substituting it for oils rich in omega-6s, you can help restore the balance between omega-3s and omega-6s, plus gain some additional health benefits.

Here are some good sources of Omega-9 fatty acids

1. Olives
2. Avocados
3. Almonds
4. Peanuts
5. Sesame oil
6. Pecans
7. Pistachio nuts
8. Cashews
9. Hazelnuts
10. Macadamia nuts

So for this fitness tip you are going to replace omega-6 with omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. Minimize your intake of eggs, cereals, vegetable oils, baked goods, and margarine and add your favorite fats from the Omega-3 and Omega-9 lists.

Have fun with this and I’ll be right back…tomorrow!

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