Diabetes And The STAX Nutrition System

We’ve had numerous questions asking if STAX System is a safe program for Diabetics. Dr. Larry Franks says, “The simple answer is yes.” The first thing to explain is that there are two types of Diabetes, Type I (Juvenile or insulin dependent) and Type II (Adult onset). In either case you should consult with your doctor, let him/her know that you are interested in losing weight and plan on following the STAX Nutrition System. Until a medical breakthrough and a cure for Type I diabetes is found, Type I diabetics will always need to be under medical care and be dependent on insulin. That being said, we feel that everyone, including Type I diabetics will benefit from eating healthy food, eating proper portions and losing excess fat.

As for Type II diabetics; the situation will vary considerably through the weight loss process on an individual basis.  Therefore you should work closely with your doctor on this journey to permanent weight loss. While everyone diagnosed should be under the medical care of a doctor, not all Type II diabetics take prescription medicine for treatment. For those who are on prescription medicines it is common for those prescription dosages to be changed as you lose weight. Because of this, regular appointments with your doctor are a must.

The STAX Nutrition System utilizes food choices, portion sizes and meal frequency to regulate blood sugar and the hormones insulin and cortisol so that the body is in an optimal state to utilize fat as energy.  The bodies’ inability to properly regulate blood sugar and insulin is essentially the disease of diabetes.  So again please work closely with your doctor through this weight loss process.

There is a strong connection with obesity and Type II diabetes. Once desired weight is achieved it is possible that your diabetes can be completely controlled. We believe that STAX  Nutrition System is the best way to achieve optimal health through proper nutrition, diabetic or not.


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