Fitness Tip #3 of #31 Journal Every Day

As you make these daily changes I’d like you to begin to document your experiences in a daily journal. By doing so you’ll be able to look back on these 31 day and gain a clearer understanding regarding which fitness tips were simple for you and where your challenges lie. Journaling is a good problem solving tool and helps to provide valuable self-knowledge. Spend some time each day documenting the food you eat, the activities you’re engaged in and what your feelings and emotions are with those experiences. Select a convienent method to document your journey, one that is easy for you to get to each day. Whether it’s a store bought journal, a blank piece of paper, a notebook, a word document, or an app on your iPhone: select whatever will work best for you.

Here are ways the Journaling will help you this month and beyond.

It’s Flexible and Easy

Journaling has no rules. You can use your own style and processing methods. It’s fine to be a little messy and have typos and poor writing. It can be applied to clarify anysituation in your life It doesn’t take much time to slow down, pay attention and listen to yourself.

Stress Reduction
Journaling help you to increase your focus by allowing time to analyze your thoughts. It can help to release pent-up thoughts and emotions and bring stability by allowing you to process situations in an appropriate way.

Journaling can help you to strengthen your sense of yourself by revealing and tracking patterns and cycles in your life. It allows you to act as your own counselor and integrate the highs and lows in your life. It is always honest, trusting, non-judgmental

Know Yourself
By recording your past you’ll begin to clarify your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. You’ll learn how you think, learn and create. As you shift to the observer, recorder, counselor you’ll begin to identify an awareness of your beliefs and options so you can change them. You’ll develop confidence and self knowledge and you’ll feel better about yourself.

Personal Growth
Journaling helps to measure and track what is important to you. It will allow you to integrate life’s experiences and learning’s and start the sorting and grouping process. This self expression will plant the seeds to create more results in your life and enable you to live life to the fullest

Problem Solving
When you journal you develop new perspectives that will bring things together and help make decisions a whole lot easier.
Captures Your Life Story
Journaling allows you to look back on your life experiences and recall with clarity, what was going on in your life at that specific time. What you were thinking, feeling andexperiences. When you capture you’re story, your left with something concrete to leave for the next generation.

Now grab a piece of paper and get to it! Enjoy and I’ll be back tomorrow…

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