2012 Healthy Eating Focus Week #6

Welcome to week six of my ten week Healthy Eating Series, to Kick off 2012!

To date, you have learned the importance of slowing down your eating, eating in a relaxed setting and meal cadence. You’ve also learned how all three of those things will boost your metabolism.

Just to recap your first five focuses they are:

1. Slow down when you eat.

2. Create a relaxed environment while you eat

3. Create an eating rhythm with your eating times, (meal cadence)

4. Feel pleasure as opposed to stress with your food choices

5. Eating for nourishment

This week the focus is to make sure that you are aware at your meals.

Focus #6 – Awareness at Meals

This simple focus can be quite difficult for so many of us.  We think that we’re being efficient or productive by getting some stuff done while we eat. Right?  Not right!  It is now time to stop eating and multi tasking.  Being aware at your meal means being with your meal; noticing it, tasting it, being present, awake, alive, and alert.  When you eat, simply eat.

This is actually a nutritional requirement.  Marc David, points out, “The nutritional power of Awareness is physiologically proven in the Cephalic Phase Digestive Response-the body’s requirement for the “head phase” of digestion, assimilation, and calorie burning.

By “head phase” he means the phase during a meal in which we taste, experience pleasure, smell the aroma, experience satisfaction and a visual stimulation of a meal.  Our subjective experience of a meal profoundly impacts how we digest and assimilate that meal.

The more AWARE we are when we eat, the more our appetite is satisfied and the more our brain and digestive system can give us accurate feedback about a meal.

This week take the time away, separate yourself from the craziness of the day, and become aware at your meals.  It makes a big difference on how your body physiologically responds and burns calories.

Please feel free to pass this valuable information to your friends, family, and co-workers!

In Good Health,

John Preston

Your Fitness Tutor



The nutrition information in this post is all the more effective when combined with a  sound fitness program. Check out my S.U.P.E.R Fitness Training Program to learn how you can live The Ultimate Health Lifestyle.

P.S. The information in this email is from Marc David’s “Food Psychology Coaching” Program. It was written by Certified Food Psychology Coach, Lisa Olona, and shared with her permission. If you like the information and are interested in learning more you can contact Lisa at lisaolona@peoriabootcamp.com

P.S.S. In the spirit of full disclosure, Lisa is a friend and associate. The link to contact her is not an affiliate link. I stand to gain nothing financially by providing you with her contact information. I’m always striving to provide you with FREE, accurate and effective information, that will help you to reach your ultimate potential. And I feel this information that Lisa is sharing serves that purpose.


  1. So true! First hand experience today. I had lunch during a meeting. Disaster. Ate too fast and didn’t enjoy it at all.

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